What I Miss about Being a Tour Guide

Back nearly eight years, I was a tour guide and shop assistant for a couple show caves in Arkansas for the summer break. It’s still one of the jobs that I look back on most fondly, despite my boss disliking me and telling me I’m going to hell for liking Harry Potter. There were soContinueContinue reading “What I Miss about Being a Tour Guide”

Learning to Love My Body

“What’s wrong with your arm?!” -multiple people asking about my left elbow, which is wonky because of breaking it when I was three. “You’re pretty, but you look Ethiopian because you’re so skinny.” -my high school band director, who loved to comment on students’ appearances and make racist comments. “I would love to have thatContinueContinue reading “Learning to Love My Body”

Seizing Opportunities

I’m not really the most qualified to write about this. I’ve not actually had many opportunities worth mention come my way, let alone seized them. But that’s part of what this is about. The opportunities I have had have been beyond incredible, and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. But I passed others byContinueContinue reading “Seizing Opportunities”

My Top Three Pet Peeves

This certainly isn’t a topic I’d usually write about, by why not give it a go? Let’s start with the lowest first, shall we? People clipping their nails in public. I’ve never understood how people can do this. I understand wanting to even them out and trim them, but why not wait until you’re home?ContinueContinue reading “My Top Three Pet Peeves”

Talking about Writing

“All writers do it. We babble on and on about our current and future projects, we make promises we have every intention to keep, but no determination to do so, and we talk about our work some more.”

Someone Once Told Me

When I first got dressed, I was so excited to wear the outfit I had chosen for our final full day in England. I put on my black DeLorean tee, a brown plaid, wool skirt, my Minnie and Mickey Mouse shoes, and bright red lipstick.

Writing with Anxiety

Anxiety can ruin your life and affect your work, but you don’t have to let it.

Lessons from a Drummer

I just finished watching the movie Whiplash for the first time, and I have no words that could fully describe the aftermath of wonder and confusion in which I am sitting. The confusion doesn’t come from the movie in any way, but instead what the movie provoked inside my mind. The thoughts of amazement and desire,ContinueContinue reading “Lessons from a Drummer”

Confession 4: Stupid Quizzes

I really enjoy doing those stupid quizzes that people share on Facebook or that are found on Buzzfeed. I know they’re completely ridiculous, but I still like answering the questions and seeing my results. I never know how my answers will vary from day to day. Sometimes I like the colour red most, others it’s purpleContinueContinue reading “Confession 4: Stupid Quizzes”

Confession 3: A Constant Struggle

Shaking hands; hyperventilation; a feeling that nothing will ever be okay again (even though I know it will be); the indescribable fear, sadness, or nervousness that overwhelms me. These are the first four things I think of when I think of anxiety and panic attacks, and I let my fear of them control my life. I’mContinueContinue reading “Confession 3: A Constant Struggle”