Coming Back from Hiatus

I knew I would have a summer full of packing boxes, moving across the country, catching up with loved ones, house hunting and job searching. But I didn’t expect it to lead to a hiatus lasting longer than a month. Three months later, the only things I’ve written are baking blogs that I’ve posted laterContinueContinue reading “Coming Back from Hiatus”

My Current WIP

For those of you who don’t know, a WIP is a writer or artists current work in progress. As a blogger, vlogger, and writer, I always have multiple WIPs. In the instance, I’m discussing my novel. Earlier in my writing journey, I focused on writing poetry inspired by the events I experienced first-hand and myContinueContinue reading “My Current WIP”

Writing and Descriptive Words

I’ve heard every author I know and follow complain about finding the right words to use, especially when creating descriptions of settings, characters, and movement. It’s also one of my biggest writing struggles for every project. I’ve started realising that it’s better for me to worry about it during revisions than in the moment. IContinueContinue reading “Writing and Descriptive Words”

Writing Distinct Voices

I have fallen in love with so many characters over the years. Their voices are haunting, hopeful, sassy, sarcastic, kind, sensitive, and peaceful. They are each unique combinations of emotions, background, interests, and learning. Whether their voices come out only when they speak or when the story is told from their perspective, their history, personality,ContinueContinue reading “Writing Distinct Voices”

My Favourite Tropes

Everyone has reading and writing weaknesses. Things that make them sigh, swoon, faint. The love of them is so strong that it can’t just be passed by, but every chance to indulge in them is taken with vigour and excitement. This adoration is most apparent with genres and writing styles. But it’s just as commonContinueContinue reading “My Favourite Tropes”

Reading to Write

I adore reading. I especially love YA and NA fiction. But I enjoy venturing into nonfiction and blogs a fair amount as well. I tend to enjoy the act of reading far more than I enjoy writing, so it’s easy to choose reading during my downtime. However, there are times that I read to helpContinueContinue reading “Reading to Write”

Words of Writing Wisdom

Books, tweets, blogs, rock carvings, panels, lectures, and interviews over the centuries have provided all us lovely and mystical creatures known as writers heaps of wonderful contradicting advice. This is a collection of my favourite bits of writing knowledge.* *These are solely from my time as part of the Twitter writing community thus far. “SlowContinueContinue reading “Words of Writing Wisdom”

Small, Important Details

Joseph made breakfast and tea, then spilled it. This sentence may state what is happening in a story, but it doesn’t evoke much emotion in the reader. The empathy comes and goes as quickly as the words pass through the mind. It’s a good example of a “tell” sentence that gives a reader the knowledgeContinueContinue reading “Small, Important Details”

Writing Character Descriptions: Emotion

Emotions can be one of the hardest things to convey through the show-not-tell rule sometimes. The show-not-tell rule is describing what a character is feeling, doing, or thinking, without just outright stating it. An example would be writing “her feet landed hard on the pavement, one after another, increasing her speed” instead of “she ran.”ContinueContinue reading “Writing Character Descriptions: Emotion”

Writing Character Descriptions: Action

Actions can convey so much, and nearly every character will have movement in your writing, whether it’s directly mentioned or not. In many books I’ve read over the last two years, I’ve noticed very little movement described outside the generic ran, jumped, sat,and walked. And I’ve started realising more and more just how much IContinueContinue reading “Writing Character Descriptions: Action”