Anxiety and Finding Happiness

One of the biggest struggles for me that comes with/from my anxiety is the crippling feeling (and often belief) that I don’t deserve to be happy. The worst parts of this feeling are that I feel guilty when experiencing happiness while being aware of others’ struggles, that I sense that something is horribly wrong withContinueContinue reading “Anxiety and Finding Happiness”

Anxiety and the Times It Gets Worse Again

Breathe in. Breathe out. Have a cup of tea. Repeat. Take a bath. Take your meds. Exercise. Create things. Repeat. Have some more tea. Limit time on Netflix. Be sure to eat. Get some sleep. Repeat. Ask for help when needed. Be open with friends and family. Say “no” to things if desired. Repeat. TheseContinueContinue reading “Anxiety and the Times It Gets Worse Again”

Coping with Anxiety

Goodness knows I let my anxiety overwhelm me on a regular basis. But even with moving into a house, still job searching, meeting so many people, and having so many things to accomplish, I have officially gone a month without a panic attack. That doesn’t mean I haven’t felt super anxious at all in theContinueContinue reading “Coping with Anxiety”