Airport Carpet

Airport Carpet Green, blue, and cream swirls and angles swarm around my toes and feet as new winds try to sweep me away, grasping at my hands, my hair, my mind, my feet. The whimsy and wonder of air in my lungs, around my soul, bring a smile to my face that can’t be containedContinueContinue reading “Airport Carpet”

Someone Who Inspires Me

I’ve spent a good deal of time thinking about how to answer this one, especially since I have so many amazing people in my life that bring wisdom, fun, and encouragement, as well as many people I’ve never met or met in passing that have highly impacted my life. But I realised that I wantContinueContinue reading “Someone Who Inspires Me”

Five Places I Want to Visit

I’m definitely a contradiction. One of the most baffling types. I itch for two conflicting things constantly, and I can never tell which I want more. I am a homebody, but I’m also a traveler. There are so many things that I adore about both. Like the soft, yet cutting feeling of blades of grassContinueContinue reading “Five Places I Want to Visit”

Productivity in A Boggus Life

I’m one of the worst at actually following through on my own plans for productivity, especially when it comes to my blog. I tend to make these schedules, these routines, and these habits in my mind, but I rarely ever do them in real life. Because of that, I tend to spend a lot ofContinueContinue reading “Productivity in A Boggus Life”